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速看:LangChain应用:Autonomous Agents

2023-05-31 20:44:15  来源:AI让生活更美好


Autonomous Agents

Autonomous Agents are agents that designed to be more long running. You give them one or multiple long term goals, and they independently execute towards those goals. The applications combine tool usage and long term memory.

At the moment, Autonomous Agents are fairly experimental and based off of other open-source projects. By implementing these open source projects in LangChain primitives we can get the benefits of LangChain - easy switching and experimenting with multiple LLMs, usage of different vectorstores as memory, usage of LangChain’s collection of tools.
目前,Autonomous Agents是相当实验性的,并且基于其他开源项目。通过在 LangChain 原语中实现这些开源项目,我们可以获得 LangChain 的好处 - 轻松切换和试验多个 LLM,使用不同的向量存储作为内存,使用 LangChain 的工具集合。

Baby AGI (Original Repo)婴儿AGI

Baby AGI: a notebook implementing BabyAGI as LLM Chains
Baby AGI:将BabyAGI实现为LLM链的笔记本
Baby AGI with Tools: building off the above notebook, this example substitutes in an agent with tools as the execution tools, allowing it to actually take actions.

AutoGPT (Original Repo) AutoGPT

AutoGPT: a notebook implementing AutoGPT in LangChain primitives
AutoGPT:在 LangChain 原语中实现 AutoGPT 的笔记本
WebSearch Research Assistant: a notebook showing how to use AutoGPT plus specific tools to act as research assistant that can use the web.
WebSearch Research Assistant:一个笔记本,显示如何使用 AutoGPT 以及特定工具充当可以使用网络的研究助手。

MetaPrompt (Original Repo) 元提示符

Meta-Prompt: a notebook implementing Meta-Prompt in LangChain primitives



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