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2023-01-20 23:05:12  来源:龙腾网看世界



网飞似乎对限制用户共享其账号一事已经迫不及待了——据悉网飞正打算自 2023 年开始,在全球范围内针对电视端推出一个新的订阅模式:用户如果在其主要住所以外的其他位置(最多两人)观看 Netflix 超过两周,则必须每月额外支付 2.99 美元。因此,用户将被要求设置自己的主要住所。其实,这一模式在今年初就已开始在拉美地区进行测试,现在 Netflix 已准备好将其扩展到所有市场。

Andrew Werdna
Me and all my family share costs and share passwords that’s our right as a family

Afoma Afobunor
Have they lost their minds? Why am I paying additionally for streaming on multiple devices if I can’t share my password with my family members? So five of us should be paying individually just to watch Netflix?

Arnold Oliver
Netflix is losing money they"re trying to make up for it

Mike Awesome
They should just make it so you can share it with 2 other people and thats it. There"s no need for people to be sharing one account for the entire extended family.

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If they really wanted to stop losing money they would stop funding all of these trash shows and movies they put on their platform. They have so much original content that is just trash.

Jason Vyzer
They"re not trying to stop households from using one account--that would be stupid. They"re trying to prevent multiple households using the same account...like Grandparents, Aunts, Uncles, In-laws, Cousins, Friends, , etc. living in different parts of the country and all using the same account.

Andrew Werdna
@Jason Vyzer if you pay for something you can give it to your family it’s bizarre it’s not a gym membership

@Jason Vyzer 如果你花钱买了某样东西,那么你就该有权将它分享给自己的家人。这太荒谬了,网飞账号又不是什么健身卡。
Dezi Monae
It would be up to us to completely boycott Netflix but of course not everyone is going to do this. But it would make them rethink their decision.

Stanlie Murray
Netflix is not a necessity. Eventually, Hulu, Paramount, Prime video, sling and peacock are streaming more and more TV shows and movies. Netflix has too much competitors.Consumers will not indulge this nonsense. If I want to set my 76year old mom up with Netflix by letting her use my account that should not be a issue.It"s all good...I been thinking about cutting back. So, I don"t mind cancelling my membership...I find that I watch paramount, Hulu and prime video more anyway

Nicola Krystine
What Netflix should be worried is having more stuff that worth watching.

Adema 23
No they need to just stop canceling shows after 1 or 2 seasons.

Password sharing is how I justify keeping my Netflix subscxtion month after month. I’m one of those users who only watches once in a while, but I keep my subscxtion because my parents are on it too. if it were just me, I’d probably subscribe for a few months, watch everything I want to, cancel, and move on to another service. I definitely would not have tolerated their price increases without being “locked in” with my parents.

Stephanie Griffin
Agreed. It"s one of the reason I still keep it and I"m ony sharing with one person who doesn"t live with me anyway. They act like their content is so great; it isn"t. Once I see extra charge I will watch everything I care about and cancel.

I feel exactly the same. All current Netflix subscribers should cancel the day that policy goes into affect. We could all live without Netflix. It would definitely send a strong message!

Ernest Holloway
I only keep it because of my kids in Michigan. The min this happens I"m going to get rid of it.

You can watch everything for free online, which is really not that difficult.

@Zaidense I am willing to pay for content, and want to support good content being made,but only if I feel it"s worth it.

@Zaidense 我愿意为内容付费,并希望能够通过此举支持优秀内容的制作,但前提是我得觉得自己付的钱物有所值。
Man listen, there are so many other streaming apps. Netflix better sit down and shut up

They legit waste so much money on their trash original content and expecting us to stick around for all these subscxtion increases. About done with Netflix altogether considering Stranger Things is ending after one more season and that"s about the only show I consistently watch on there.


关键词: ____ 熊猫宝来 Netflix Mike


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