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2023-05-22 16:49:39  来源:LearningYard学苑









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Today I bring you "Fresh produce e-commerce supply chain logistics cooperation and operation decision under random demand

Fresh produce e-commerce profit and order quantity analysis and image drawing.

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In this issue, we will review the journal paper "Supply chain logistics cooperation and operation decision of fresh produce e-commerce under random demand" from the Chinese Journal of Management Science through three panels: mind map, replication of the paper content, and knowledge supplement, and fresh produce e-commerce profit and order quantity analysis and image drawing.



A mind map on fresh produce e-commerce profit and order volume analysis and image drawing is as follows:



First of all plotting the image needs to get the relevant relationship function, observe the article Figure 2 fresh produce e-commerce and its partner companies profit change and product order quantity can see Z is the independent variable, while β is 0.5 and 0.7 respectively, α is 0.5 here, 0.6 is used only when analyzing the sensitivity of the market to price.


Then use the mathematic software to get the relationship function after the assignment, take the independent model of e-commerce profit results for example, the mathematica code and the final simplified results are as follows.


Then solve the function when β is equal to 0.7, and modify the value of β to:


Using the same operation will be the supplier cooperation model and e-commerce cooperation model function also to find out, and then use matlab software to plot the image, I used the blue drawing image, viewing the results more obvious.



It can be seen that the images are basically the same, although the profit curve of the e-commerce cooperative model is not exactly the same as the original article when β is 0.7, and the other results are exactly the same, most likely the original authors adjusted some parameters by themselves.

Finally, the authors analyze the changes in profits of fresh produce e-commerce and its cooperative enterprises in terms of management, and conclude that 1. low order quantity can avoid product backlog inventory, and profits of fresh produce e-commerce and its cooperative enterprises are relatively high; high order quantity generates backlog costs, and profits of fresh produce e-commerce and its cooperative enterprises decrease as order quantity increases. 2. relative to the independent model, supplier cooperation and e-commerce cooperative model can appropriately increase Order quantity level.







风险成本顾名恩义则是从风险的角度出发来考虑的,首先是保险费用,为了减少库存的损失,大多数的企业会为其库存的安全保险,其费用就是库存成本。同时企业可能会应为库存的不合理存放而造成损耗或报废,例如食品过期、 存放过程中破损、失窃等等,这些同样是库存的风险成本。





The article mentions backlog costs, from which I think of the composition of inventory costs, and I take you through the cost structure of inventory.

The composition of inventory cost can be generally divided into three main parts as follows:

Inventory holding cost

Inventory holding cost is the cost of keeping and managing inventory. It can be divided into three aspects: running cost, opportunity cost and risk cost. Running costs mainly include the cost of warehousing, self-owned warehouses are reflected in the fixed investment costs of building warehouses, outsourcing warehouses are reflected in the rent of the warehouse, in addition, running costs also include the cost of investment in equipment and daily operating costs of the warehouse (water, electricity, labor, etc.).

Opportunity cost is mainly the opportunity cost of inventory occupied by the capital can bring, inventory as an enterprise asset is obtained by occupying the enterprise"s liquid theft money, and any enterprise has its certain return on capital investment, that is, inventory occupied funds if not used for inventory and to operate other investment can be obtained by the average return, the enterprise because to hold a certain inventory and the loss of liquidity can bring The opportunity cost of inventory is the return on investment.

The cost of risk, as the name implies, is considered from the point of view of risk, starting with the cost of insurance. In order to reduce the loss of inventory, most companies insure the safety of their inventory, and the cost is the cost of inventory. At the same time, the cost of inventory is also the cost of risk, as it may be caused by the loss or scrap of inventory, such as foodstuffs that expire, breakage or theft during storage.

Inventory Acquisition Costs

The acquisition cost of inventory is the cost that a company needs to bear in order to get the inventory. If the inventory is purchased, the acquisition cost is the cost of ordering, the cost of communication with the supplier, the cost of transporting the goods, and so on. If the inventory is produced by the company itself, the acquisition cost is reflected in the production preparation cost, i.e. the cost of rerouting the production line of the company to produce a batch of goods.

Cush inventory out-of-stock cost

Inventory out-of-stock cost, in short, is the loss caused by the interruption of inventory supply, including the loss of raw materials supply caused by downtime loss of finished goods inventory out-of-stock caused by delayed delivery loss and loss of sales opportunities, the enterprise to solve the interruption of inventory with emergency purchases and emergency purchase costs, etc.






That"s it for today"s sharing.

If you have a unique idea about today’s article,

welcome to leave us a message,

let us meet tomorrow.

I wish you a nice day !!





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