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What Makes You Addicted to Your Smartphone? 焦点速读

2023-06-05 19:55:00  来源:MakeItBetter


The mechanism behind smartphone addiction involves multiple factors, including physiological, psychological, and environmental aspects. Here are some possible mechanisms:

1. Dopamine release: Smartphone use can lead to the release of dopamine in the brain, a neurotransmitter associated with reward. When users use their phones, they may experience pleasure and satisfaction, prompting them to continue using their devices. This behavior pattern can form a habit and lead to smartphone addiction.

2. Social media addiction: Many smartphone apps have social media features, such as Facebook, Instagram, etc. These apps allow users to stay connected with friends and family and share their lives. However, excessive use of these apps can lead to addiction to the social media world, neglecting important things in real life.

3. Anxiety and depression: Research has shown that excessive smartphone use can lead to mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. When people feel lonely, bored or anxious, they may seek to relieve these emotions by using their phones. This behavior can form a habit and lead to smartphone addiction.

4. Environmental and social factors: Many people use smartphones because they have become a part of their daily lives. For example, many people use smartphones for work, study or entertainment activities. In addition, social pressure can also lead people to use their smartphones to meet their own expectations and needs.

In summary, the mechanism behind smartphone addiction is very complex and involves multiple factors. Understanding these mechanisms can help people better manage their smartphone usage behaviors and avoid becoming addicted to their phones.




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