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Java 中 N+1 问题的集成测试|天天报资讯

2023-06-13 18:02:02  来源:MobotStone



N+1问题是很多项目中的通病。遗憾的是,直到数据量变得庞大时,我们才注意到它。不幸的是,当处理 N + 1 问题成为一项难以承受的任务时,代码可能会达到了一定规模。



N + 1 问题的一个例子


@Entity@Table(name = "zoo")public class Zoo {    @Id    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)    private Long id;    private String name;    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "zoo", cascade = PERSIST)    private List<Animal> animals = new ArrayList<>();}@Entity@Table(name = "animal")public class Animal {    @Id    @GeneratedValue(strategy = IDENTITY)    private Long id;    @ManyToOne(fetch = LAZY)    @JoinColumn(name = "zoo_id")    private Zoo zoo;    private String name;}


@Service@RequiredArgsConstructorpublic class ZooService {    private final ZooRepository zooRepository;    @Transactional(readOnly = true)    public List<ZooResponse> findAllZoos() {        final var zoos = zooRepository.findAll();        return zoos.stream()                   .map(ZooResponse::new)                   .toList();    }}


@DataJpaTest@AutoConfigureTestDatabase(replace = NONE)@Transactional(propagation = NOT_SUPPORTED)@Testcontainers@Import(ZooService.class)class ZooServiceTest {    @Container    static final PostgreSQLContainer<?> POSTGRES = new PostgreSQLContainer<>("postgres:13");    @DynamicPropertySource    static void setProperties(DynamicPropertyRegistry registry) {        registry.add("spring.datasource.url", POSTGRES::getJdbcUrl);        registry.add("spring.datasource.username", POSTGRES::getUsername);        registry.add("spring.datasource.password", POSTGRES::getPassword);    }    @Autowired    private ZooService zooService;    @Autowired    private ZooRepository zooRepository;    @Test    void shouldReturnAllZoos() {        /* data initialization... */        zooRepository.saveAll(List.of(zoo1, zoo2));        final var allZoos = assertQueryCount(            () -> zooService.findAllZoos(),            ofSelects(1)        );        /* assertions... */        assertThat(            ...        );    }}

测试成功通过。但是,如果记录 SQL 语句,会注意到以下几点:

-- selecting all zoosselect z1_0.id,z1_0.name from zoo z1_0-- selecting animals for the first zooselect a1_0.zoo_id,a1_0.id,a1_0.name from animal a1_0 where a1_0.zoo_id=?-- selecting animals for the second zooselect a1_0.zoo_id,a1_0.id,a1_0.name from animal a1_0 where a1_0.zoo_id=?

如所见,我们select对每个 present 都有一个单独的查询Zoo。查询总数等于所选动物园的数量+1。因此,这是N+1问题。


自动跟踪 N+1 问题


有一个非常高效的库,叫做datasource-proxy。它提供了一个方便的 API 来javax.sql.DataSource使用包含特定逻辑的代理来包装接口。例如,我们可以注册在查询执行之前和之后调用的回调。该库还包含开箱即用的解决方案来计算已执行的查询。我们将对其进行一些改动以满足我们的需要。



implementation "net.ttddyy:datasource-proxy:1.8"

现在创建QueryCountService. 它是保存当前已执行查询计数并允许您清理它的单例。请看下面的代码片段。

@UtilityClasspublic class QueryCountService {    static final SingleQueryCountHolder QUERY_COUNT_HOLDER = new SingleQueryCountHolder();    public static void clear() {        final var map = QUERY_COUNT_HOLDER.getQueryCountMap();        map.putIfAbsent(keyName(map), new QueryCount());    }    public static QueryCount get() {        final var map = QUERY_COUNT_HOLDER.getQueryCountMap();        return ofNullable(map.get(keyName(map))).orElseThrow();    }    private static String keyName(Map<String, QueryCount> map) {        if (map.size() == 1) {            return map.entrySet()                       .stream()                       .findFirst()                       .orElseThrow()                       .getKey();        }        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Query counts map should consists of one key: " + map);    }}


API 提供了两种方法。该get方法返回当前执行的查询数量,同时clear将计数设置为零。

BeanPostProccessor 和 DataSource 代理

现在我们需要注册QueryCountService以使其从 收集数据DataSource。在这种情况下,BeanPostProcessor 接口就派上用场了。请看下面的代码示例。

@TestComponentpublic class DatasourceProxyBeanPostProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor {    @Override    public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) {        if (bean instanceof DataSource dataSource) {            return ProxyDataSourceBuilder.create(dataSource)                       .countQuery(QUERY_COUNT_HOLDER)                       .build();        }        return bean;    }}

如您所见,这个想法很简单。如果一个 bean 是DataSource,则将其包裹起来ProxyDataSourceBuilder并将QUERY_COUNT_HOLDER值作为QueryCountStrategy.


@UtilityClasspublic class QueryCountAssertions {    @SneakyThrows    public static <T> T assertQueryCount(Supplier<T> supplier, Expectation expectation) {        QueryCountService.clear();        final var result = supplier.get();        final var queryCount = QueryCountService.get();        assertAll(            () -> {                if (expectation.selects >= 0) {                    assertEquals(expectation.selects, queryCount.getSelect(), "Unexpected selects count");                }            },            () -> {                if (expectation.inserts >= 0) {                    assertEquals(expectation.inserts, queryCount.getInsert(), "Unexpected inserts count");                }            },            () -> {                if (expectation.deletes >= 0) {                    assertEquals(expectation.deletes, queryCount.getDelete(), "Unexpected deletes count");                }            },            () -> {                if (expectation.updates >= 0) {                    assertEquals(expectation.updates, queryCount.getUpdate(), "Unexpected updates count");                }            }        );        return result;    }}


将当前查询计数设置为零。执行提供的 lambda。将查询计数给定的Expectation对象。如果一切顺利,返回执行结果。



@With@AllArgsConstructor@NoArgsConstructorpublic static class Expectation {    private int selects = -1;    private int inserts = -1;    private int deletes = -1;    private int updates = -1;    public static Expectation ofSelects(int selects) {        return new Expectation().withSelects(selects);    }    public static Expectation ofInserts(int inserts) {        return new Expectation().withInserts(inserts);    }    public static Expectation ofDeletes(int deletes) {        return new Expectation().withDeletes(deletes);    }    public static Expectation ofUpdates(int updates) {        return new Expectation().withUpdates(updates);    }}


让我们看看它是如何工作的。首先,我在之前的 N+1 问题案例中添加了查询断言。看下面的代码块:

final var allZoos = assertQueryCount(    () -> zooService.findAllZoos(),    ofSelects(1));


Multiple Failures (1 failure)    org.opentest4j.AssertionFailedError: Unexpected selects count ==> expected: <1> but was: <3>Expected :1Actual   :3

所以,确实有效。我们设法自动跟踪 N+1 问题。是时候用 替换常规选择了JOIN FETCH。请看下面的代码片段。

public interface ZooRepository extends JpaRepository<Zoo, Long> {    @Query("FROM Zoo z LEFT JOIN FETCH z.animals")    List<Zoo> findAllWithAnimalsJoined();}@Service@RequiredArgsConstructorpublic class ZooService {    private final ZooRepository zooRepository;    @Transactional(readOnly = true)    public List<ZooResponse> findAllZoos() {        final var zoos = zooRepository.findAllWithAnimalsJoined();        return zoos.stream()                   .map(ZooResponse::new)                   .toList();    }}


这意味着正确地跟踪了 N + 1 个问题。此外,如果查询数量等于预期数量,则它会成功通过。


事实上,定期测试可以防止 N+1 问题。这是一个很好的机会,可以保护那些对性能至关重要的代码部分。



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