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2023-06-22 13:00:39  来源:双语数字世界



Q1:Dune Analytics是什么类型的平台?

A1:Dune Analytics是一个链上数据分析平台,专注于区块链数据的分析和可视化。


Q2:Dune Analytics的主要功能是什么?

A2:Dune Analytics的主要功能是让我们能够自定义查询和分析区块链数据。


Q3:使用Dune Analytics有哪些优势和价值?

A3:使用Dune Analytics可以带来几个重要的优势和价值。


其次,Dune Analytics支持协作和共享,可以与其他人合作并分享查询和仪表板,促进学习和交流。

最重要的是,Dune Analytics提供了强大的可视化工具,使我们能够更直观地理解数据和趋势,从而做出更明智的决策。

在Dune Analytics中,仪表盘是由各种图表、指标和数据可视化组成的集合,用于展示和监控关键数据和指标。



下面,我就来实操下吧,首先打开网址:https://dune.com/home(无需科学上网),点击Sign up:




在Dune 中,每个仪表盘都是公开的。这就是说,任何人都可以查看和复制我们构建的所有内容!这样的好处是大大节省了我们自己独自创建仪表盘的时间,并且可以让我们从其他人的查询中学习。







今天,我们对Dune Analytics的仪表盘工具进行了初步的分析,从仪表盘的介绍、查询的编写,到分叉Fork的应用,我们已经初步掌握了使用Dune Analytics构建自己数据分析仪表盘的基本技能。

然而,Dune Analytics并不止于此。作为一个不断发展和创新的平台,Dune Analytics正在不断探索未来的可能性,为我们提供更多令人兴奋的功能和工具。



随着Dune Analytics的不断演进,我们可以期待更多功能和工具的推出,以满足对数据分析的不断增长的需求。

通过使用Dune Analytics,我们将能够更加高效地利用链上数据,发现隐藏在数据背后的价值和见解,从而做出更明智的决策和判断。

在Dune Analytics的引领下,让我们一同探索数据分析的无限可能性吧!


Reading Tips

Dune Analytics, hereinafter referred to as Dune, is a powerful and user-friendly on-chain blockchain data analytics platform. For those of us who are new to Dune Analytics, we need a detailed guide to help us get started and master the platform"s capabilities.

From getting acquainted with Dune Analytics to building our first query and cleaning dashboard, let"s explore this exciting tool together and delve into the infinite potential of blockchain data.

Q1: What type of platform is Dune Analytics?

A1: Dune Analytics is an on-chain data analytics platform that focuses on analyzing and visualizing blockchain data.

It provides a user-friendly interface and powerful query tools that allow users to delve deep into various aspects of blockchain.

Q2: What are the main features of Dune Analytics?

A2: The main feature of Dune Analytics is the ability to customize queries and analyze blockchain data.

It supports multiple mainstream blockchain networks, provides SQL query language and visualization tools, enabling flexible data exploration, dashboard creation, and presenting analysis results in the form of charts and graphs.

Q3: What are the advantages and value of using Dune Analytics?

A3: Using Dune Analytics offers several important advantages and value. Firstly, it provides a rich dataset that allows comprehensive analysis from multiple blockchain networks.

Secondly, Dune Analytics supports collaboration and sharing, enabling cooperation with others and sharing queries and dashboards, facilitating learning and communication.

Most importantly, Dune Analytics offers powerful visualization tools that allow us to intuitively understand data and trends, enabling us to make more informed decisions.

In Dune Analytics, a dashboard is a collection of various charts, metrics, and data lake visualizations to present and monitor key data and metrics.

It can be customized according to our needs and preferences, and provide an at-a-glance data presentation method for better understanding and analysis of blockchain data.

Use an example of a workplace new bee to explain the role of the dashboard, let us have a deeper understanding of the dashboard, let"s take a look!

Below, I will come to practice it, first open the URL:

https://dune.com/home (without scientific Internet access), click Sign up:

Enter the registration interface and operate as follows:

If the following interface is displayed, the registration is successful, and you can start the exploration journey of Dune~

Below I dashboard with data such as Ethereum from the legendary @hildobby. Here, we can see various data extracted from Dune"s database, displayed in the form of collections or time series graphs.

In Dune, every dashboard is public. This means that anyone can view and copy everything we build!

The benefit of this is that it saves us a lot of time creating dashboards ourselves and allows us to learn from other people"s queries.

A dashboard, in simple terms, is a collection of queries.

if we click on the title of any dashboard element, it will be taken to the SQL query of that chart (as shown in the following figure):

Display of dashboard query editor

Then click the following button, it will automatically use the very popular ChatGPT-4 to help you analyze, which is very up-to-date:

If we want to save the entire dashboard or just the chart query to our account, we can click "Fork" in the upper right corner, and everything on the fork screen will be copied to a new window where we can edit and save the view to our account. The interface displayed is as follows:

If you are interested in some or all of the dashboards, you can click Save, as shown in the figure below:

After clicking Save, the following interface will pop up. Mainly, we need to name our dashboard, and then see if it is set to privacy. Finally, we still need to click the Save button, as shown in the figure below:

Today, we have a preliminary analysis of the dashboard tools of Dune Analytics.

From the introduction of the dashboard, the preparation of queries, and the application of the fork Fork, we have initially mastered the basic skills of building our own Data Analysis dashboard using Dune Analytics.

However, Dune Analytics doesn"t stop there. As a constantly evolving and innovative platform, Dune Analytics is constantly exploring the possibilities of the future, providing us with more exciting features and tools.

In the following articles, we will continue to learn the functions of Dataset Browser and Data Categories, so that we can more easily browse and explore various datasets.

In addition, the introduction of dataset selection and search functions will further enhance our Data Analysis experience, allowing us to more quickly find the data we need, and conduct in-depth analysis and mining.

As Dune Analytics continues to evolve, we can expect more features and tools to be introduced to meet the growing demand for Data Analysis.

By using Dune Analytics, we will be able to more efficiently utilize on-chain data, uncover the value and insights hidden behind the data, and make more informed decisions and judgments.

Let"s explore the endless possibilities of Data Analysis with the leadership of Dune Analytics!




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