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2023-04-01 06:52:44  来源:955的读书生活











The computer is a wonderful machine. It is the most important invention in many years. Today it is used a great deal in many ways. By the year 2,000 the computer will probably touch the lives of everyone, even people in faraway villages.

The oldest kind of computer is the abacus, used in China centuries ago. In the seventeenth century an adding machine was invented, but the first large, modern computer was built in 1946. A computer then could do 5,000 adding problems in one second. Now computers can work millions of times faster. Today most computers have a memory. That means information can be stored in them and be taken out anytime needed.

Computers are getting smaller and smaller, and computing faster and faster. Even in a large computer, the part that does the computing is now only about as big as the end of a finger.

Computers can do many kinds of work. For example, when someone buys something in a big shop, information about the sale is put into a computer. During the night the computer works on the information from all the sales that day. The next morning, the manager has a report on everything that was sold and also on everything that will soon be sold out.

In research about the moon, a lot of information is put into computers. A scientist can then “ask” the computer questions, and the computer “answer” on the screen. It is almost like talking to another scientist.

Another computer programme has information about different illnesses. A doctor can talk to the computer and explain what is wrong with a person. The computer will then tell what to do. If the doctor asks why, the computer goes through its memory and gives the reason.

In some large factories there are very few people. Robots do most of the work. For example, in a car factory, when a different type of car comes along the line, the robot changes its work, just as a human would do. How does the robot know this? A computer “tells” it what to do.

In the last few years there have been great changes in computers. They now can do most of the things people can do, though most scientists agree that computers cannot completely take the place of humans. Who knows what the computers of tomorrow will be like? Will they make life better, or will they bring suffering to people? The students of today will have to decide how to use the computers of tomorrow.



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